Tuesday (November 25th)

Psychology:  Today we talked about ESP (Notes can be found here.  We then went on to watch the Secrets of the Psychics.  the video can be found below:  

US History:  Today we began our unit on Gender.  See me for today’s notes.  I also distributed a copy of The Declaration of Sentiments.  the reading assignment for this will be due next Monday (Dec. 1st),and we will spend tomorrow working on it during class.

Monday (November 24th)

Psychology:  Today we explored the perceptual concept of Constancy.  Notes can be found here.  We also watched the following TED talk:

US History:  Today we revised our Google Drive Document on our understanding of the Civil Rights Movement.  We then wrapped up the race unit by looking at and discussing the following statistics which can be found here.

Wednesday (November 19th)

Psychology:  Today we watched a documentary on Synesthesia, a disorder in which your senses become crossed.  You can watch it here:

US History:  We watched a film on Central High School in Little Rock 9 and the racial divide that continues to exist at the school, even this many years after integration.

Tuesday (November 18th)

Psychology:  Today we looked at some concepts related to Sensation.  The notes can be found here.

US History:  We talked about the Black Panthers and took a common assessment.  If you were absent today, see me about making up the assignment.  And remember….exam on Friday!

Monday (November 17th)

Psychology:  Today we began the unit on Sensation and Perception.  The study guide for this unit can be found here.  The notes from today can be found here.

US History:  Today we discussed Stokely Carmichael and the homework reading on Black Power.  The exam over Race Relations will be on Friday of this week.  The study guide can be found here.

Friday (November 14th)

Psychology:  We took the exam over Personality.

US History:  We reviewed the ideas of Malcolm X, watched a clip from 60 Minutes on him, and we used the remainder of the hour to work on a homework reading from Stokely Carmichael.  The reading will be due on Monday.

Thursday (November 13th)

Psychology:  Today we finished looking at the Learning Perspective by discussing Observational Learning & the Social Cognitive Model.  Notes can be found here.  EXAM OVER PERSONALITY TOMORROW

US History:  Today we discussed the strategy of Malcolm X and how he discagreed with MLK.  The homework assignment was a reflection on today’s discussion, and it can be found here.  If you were absent today, I have the text of a speech by Malcolm X that you can use to complete the homework.  See me if you need a copy.